ARLINGTON, VA 22204-2490
Docket No. NR2155-15
17 Mar i5
| ee
This is in reference to your application for correction of your naval
record pursuant to the provisions of 10 USC 1552.
A three-member panel of the Board for Correction of Naval Records,
sitting in executive session, considered your application on
16 March 2015. Your allegations of: error and injustice were reviewed
in accordance with administrative regulations and procedures
applicable to the proceedings of this Board. Documentary material
considered by the Board consisted of your application, together with
all material submitted in support thereof, your naval record and
applicable statutes, regulations and policies.
After careful and conscientious consideration of the entire record,
the Board found that the evidence submitted was insufficient to
. establish the existence of probable material error or injustice.
Accordingly, your application and your request for a personal
appearance before the Board have been denied.
You entered in the Delayed Entry/Enlistment Program (DEP) on 12 May
1992 per DD Form 4 {Enlistment/Reenlistment Document Armed Forces of
the United States). You then entered active service on 23 September
1992 per DD Form 1966 (Record of Military Processing - Armed Forces of
the United States), DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge
from Active Duty), and NAVPERS 1070/604 (Enlisted Qualification
-History). Moreover, NAVPERS 1070/604 listed your rate as an AA/E2 and
you were not recommended for reenlistment. You were released from .
active service as an AA/E2 due to reduction in force with a Reentry
code of RE-7 (completing the initial 2-year active duty obligation
under -the 2X8 Navy Reserve Program) on 13 September 1994. On 30 June
1997, while serving in the Navy Reserves, you completed your
advancement requirements of HM3/E4, although you were not advanced; on
ll May 2000, you were discharged with a pay grade of SN/E3.
‘In summary, you were released from active service 20 years ago. You
have submitted three different requests to BCNR. Some of the facts
and personnel have either disappeared or moved on. After reviewing
Docket No. NR2155-15
your military records and the documentation that you submitted, the
Board can find no evidence to support your claim that you arrived at
boot camp on 12 September 1992. All the evidence that we have points
to 23 September 1992 as the date when you entered active service.
Furthermore, there is no evidence that you were advanced to E3 prior
_ to your separation from the Navy. Your record does not show that you
were recommended for advancement; however, it does show you were not
recommended for reenlistment. Moreover, while your records show that
you completed the Personnel advancement requirements for HM3 on 30.
June 1997, there is no evidence that you were recommended and advanced
to E4. , ‘
-The names and votes of the members of the panel will be furnished upon
It is regretted that the circumstances of your case are such that
favorable action cannot be taken. You are entitled to have the Board
reconsider its decision upon submission of new evidence within one
year from the date of the Board's decision. New evidence is evidence
not previously considered by the Board prior to making its decision in In this regard, it is important to keep in mind that a
.. presumption of regularity attaches to all official records.
Consequently, when applying for a correction of an official naval
record, the burden is on the applicant to demonstrate the existence of
probable material error or injustice.
Executive Director
NAVY | BCNR | CY2004 | 09599-04
DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVYBOARD FOR CORRECTION OF NAVAL RECORDS2 NAVY ANNEX WASHINGTON DC 20370-5100 LCC Docket No. We contacted the Exam Center and the Passed Not Advanced (PNA) Points were entered administratively. PERSONNEL ON LINE LISTING (POLL) DATE: 07205 RATING, PAY, LOSS LAST UPDATE: 07005 SCIND: XFXXX CREATE DATE: 990723 SEX: M
NAVY | BCNR | CY2002 | 06324-02
In addition, the Board considered the advisory opinion furnished by NPC memorandum 1780 Pers 604 of 19 September is attached. when applying for a correction of an official naval record, the burden is on the applicant to demonstrate the existence of probable material error or injustice. Review of 's record revealed he signed an "Because I will not be entering into another Administrative Remarks Page (NAVPERS which states qualifying Navy College Fund rating, I understand that I am...
NAVY | BCNR | CY1999 | Document scanned on Thu Sep 28 10_56_09 CDT 2000
DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF NAVAL RECORDS 2 NAVYANNEX WASHINGTON DC 20370-5100 JLP:tj Docket No: 8671-98 22 June 1999 From: To: Chairman, Board for Correction of Naval Records Secretary of the Navy Subj: J11IL~ REVIEWOF NAVAL REC~D Ref: (a) Title 10 U.S.C. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Zsalman, Cali, and Ms. Madison, reviewed Petitioner’s allegations of error and injustice on 08 June 1999 and, pursuant to its regulations, determined that the corrective action indicated...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2002 | 06113-01
6113-01 7 January 2002 Dear This is in reference to your naval record pursuant to the States Code, Section 1552. application for correction of your provisions of Title 10, United considered your application on Your allegations of error and injustice were A three-member panel of the Board for Correction of Navy Records, sitting in executive session, 3 January 2002. reviewed in accordance with administrative regulations and procedures applicable to the proceedings of this Board. The facts On...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2009 | 05116-09
Documentary material considered by the Board consisted of your application, together with all material submitted in support thereof, your naval record and applicable statutes, regulations and policies. Consequently, when applying for a correction of an official naval record, the burden is on the applicant to demonstrate the existence of probable material error or injustice. This is an advisory memorandum to reference (a) for use by the Board for Correction of Naval Records (BCNR) only.
NAVY | BCNR | CY1998 | 08671-98
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show enlistment in paygrade E2 based on the completion of the required number of college credit hours. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Zsalman, Cali, and Ms. Madison, reviewed Petitioner's allegations of error and injustice on 08 June 1999 and, pursuant to its regulations, determined that the...
NAVY | DRB | 2002_Navy | ND02-00050
Documentation Only the service record was reviewed, as the applicant did not provide additional documentation for the Board to consider. She is reminded that she remains eligible for a personal appearance hearing, provided an application is received, at the NDRB, within 15 years from the date of her discharge. The names, and votes of the members of the Board are recorded on the original of this document and may be obtained from the service records by writing to:Naval Council of Personnel...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2003 | 04876-03
Subj: REVIEW OF NAVAL RECORD Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject, hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected by removing the service record page 11 (“Administrative Remarks”) (NAVPERS 1070/6 13) entry and the service record page 4 (NAVPERS 1070/604) entry reflecting his advancement to DC2. Davies and Moidel and Mr. Zsalman, reviewed Petitioner’s allegations of error and...
NAVY | DRB | 2002_Navy | ND02-00872
ND02-00872 Applicant’s Request The application for discharge review, received 020607, requested that the characterization of service on the discharge be changed to honorable. 001205: Vacate suspended sentence of forfeiture of $337.00 and extra duty for 14 days.001215: NJP for violation of UCMJ, Article 86: (1) Unauthorized absence from appointed place of duty on 0730, 001127 to 0931, 001128 (1 day), to wit: Regimental Aid Station, (2) Unauthorized absence 0730, 001129 to 0937, 001204 (5...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 08388-00
A three-member panel of the Board for Correction of Naval Records, sitting in executive Your allegations of error and session, considered your application on 2 1 February 2001. injustice were reviewed in accordance with administrative regulations and procedures applicable to the proceedings of this Board. Documentary material considered by the Board consisted of your application, together with all material submitted in support thereof, your naval record and applicable statutes, regulations...